Temperance Lodge Mark master Masons No774 Installation 2018
On a bright February evening Temperance Mark Lodge No774 met for their Installation meeting at Woolton Golf Club.  Attending the meeting was the Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Giles Berkley PGStwd and he was attended by three Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies! 
Tony Thackrah; Ray Pye; Steve Walls; Terry Dickinson.
WBro Derek Gaskell PPrGJD had been elected to remain in office and so there was only need for a proclamation ceremony.  This would be the second proclamation ceremony in two days for the APGM as the day before on the 19th he had attend one at University of Liverpool Mark Lodge.   Once the regular lodge business had been concluded the PrAGDC WBro Ray Pye, PAGSwdB announced WBro Berkley who entered the lodge accompanied by VWBro’s and Acting Provincial Grand Officers.
APGM WBro Giles Berkley; WM WBro Derek Gaskell
After WBro Berkley had been welcomed to the Lodge by the Worshipful Master the salutations were conducted.  With everyone now settled the lodge DC WBro Andrew Whittle PPrGSW proclaimed WBro Derek Gaskell Worshipful Master.   The WM then appointed and invested his Officers.
VWBro Fred Hargreaves; VWBro Eric Hughes
It was then up to two passed Wardens of the Provence to do the addresses to the Wardens and Overseers.    First up was WBro Andrew Whittle PPrGSW, followed by WBro Tony Cross PPrGJW neither had lost their touch and these were both done in fine form.  The address to the Brethren was done by WBro Giles Berkley and was also of the highest standard.  With the new team now in place and the ceremony complete WBro Berkley brought the thanks and congratulations of the PGM to the Worshipful Master.  The WM then presented WBro Berkley with a cheque for charity which was gratefully received.   However WBro Giles Berkley work was not yet finished and he very kindly and expertly presented Grand Lodge Certificates to Bro William Pinto and Bro Steve Cornwell. 
WBro Berkley; WBro Derek Gaskell; WBro Andrew Whittle
With the meeting closed and the photos done everyone retired to enjoy the festive board.  The Assistant Provincial Grand Master was on fine form in the response to the toast to which his name had been coupled.  He ran through the work of the charities mentioning not only the blood bikes and ambulance replacement for the St John’s Ambulance Service but also money for Fleetwood Life Boat.  Each item mentioned was accompanied with a back ground story. 
Three DC's; WBro Steve Walls; WBro Ray Pye; WBro Terry Dickinson
The PSA testing done at last year’s Provincial Meeting was also mentioned and how the testing had found and possibly saved several lives of Mark Masons known to many of us.  WBro Berkley also pointed out that the lodge had been in existence for 96 years.  (This came as a bit of a shock to some, who then started working out who was likely to be in the chair that year.)
Lets all join in
He also congratulated the lodge on its resurgence since moving to Woolton Golf Club and this is looking like it may continue with new candidates in the pipeline for the next year. WBro Berkley also promoted the Mark Ball which is to be held on the normal weekend (27th October) but at a new venue The Foxfields Country Hotel, Blackburn.  (See web site for more details.)   We wish the lodge and its Worshipful Master a busy and happy year.
Words by Derek Gaskell and pictures byGraham Radford